Monday, August 28, 2006


I saw Beerfest last night. About 10 minutes into it, it became one of those movies that I didn't want to admit I had seen. I'm not going to write a full review here, because that movie doesn't deserve that much more of my time....or yours, which is why I am writing this. Save your money and your time and your sense of humor and skip this movie. Don't even rent it. I'm only admitting that I saw it as a public service to warn others. If I hadn't been with a group of guys who are my buddies, I would have walked out in less time than it took to watch the previews. And I never walk out on movies.

Admittedly I'm not a big drinker. Ok, so I'm barely a drinker at all and I bet this movie would have been much much funnier if I had been completely hammered, a state I just don't ever find myself in, but this movie was awful. I'm not uptight about movies. I watch a broad spectrum of stuff and enjoy a large range. That said, this movie managed to cross lots of lines without being funny. It's ok to be gross and irreverent and disrespectful and sometimes even insensitive in a comedy, but if you do that, you have to at least be funny. This was not. Of course, I should have known this, even though the previews had a couple funny things in them (most of which were not in the actual movie, by the way), and I can't claim great shock or surprise that it wasn't funny, but I went in ready to laugh and couldn't make it happen.

Please, please, do not see this movie. It is disgusting and perverse and raunchy and revolting, all of which would be forgiveable to a degree if it had also been funny, but it wasn' all...not even a little. It just made me a little sick to my stomach.

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